Finding Healing and Connection: Reflections on David P’s Journey


In Episode 131 of the Sex Addicts Recovery Podcast, David P shares his experience, strength, and hope. His story resonates with many, offering insights into addiction, recovery, and the complexities of family dynamics. Let’s dive into some of my key takeaways from David’s powerful share.

1. The Three Circles

As with any guest on the podcast, David discusses his inner, middle, and outer circles. Hearing about David’s circles allows listeners to compare their own and perhaps discover new insights for their recovery journey. I always learn something from hearing someone else’s three circles. From David’s, I learned how he bookends activities that might be dangerous, or how he determines if something is an inner circle activity by whether it results in compulsive behavior or not.

2. Imperfect Families

David’s emphasis on the imperfection of families struck a chord. He reminds us that there is no such thing as a perfect family. Our childhood experiences shape us, and acknowledging this is crucial for healing. For many, childhood trauma sets off a chain reaction that impacts our choices and behaviors later in life. This realization has been very important for my own journey, and recovery.

David also talked about the love he had with his wife Tricia, and his children. A beautiful example of love, and healing.

3. Coming Out and Self-Healing

David had a pivotal moment during a noon Zoom meeting. He chose to come out as a gay man. This was a significant step to David putting down his self-hatred and self-loathing. This act was transformative for his recovery. Many sex addicts face a similar need—to confront their inner struggles and find acceptance.


David’s story serves as a beacon of hope. If you’re seeking connection or support, consider joining the noon Zoom meetings or exploring the podcast. Remember, healing is possible, imperfections and all.

The image below was inspired by David’s talk!

Interested in attending the noon zoom?

This meeting held at noon Pacific time, seven days a week! Info below:
Meeting ID: 295782597
Password: 12Stepat12

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